Upcoming events ...
14th September apéro evening
28th September Walk in Vidauban and lunch at Bouddha de Jade
12th October apéro evening
27th October Sunday Brunch - Château St Roux
9th November AGM at Terre de Provence, Le Cannet-des-Maures
7th December Christmas lunch
18th January Pub Quiz, Hotel L'Arena, Frejus
15th February Chinese Buffet lunch
Events are subject to change depending on availability and member support.
The menu for the lunch is shown below, if you are interested in joining us then please book and give your menu choices either by contacting Fiona or at events.viac@gmail.com NO LATER THAN 11th JANUARY.
Please do not forget to send your payment directly to VIAC as usual.
The price will be
50 euros per paid-up member and 55 euros for guests.
Le Potimarron
Confit au balsamique, mousse au chèvre frais, condiment orange et fines herbes
Pumpkin confit with balsamic, fresh goat cheese mousse, orange condiment and herbs
L’Œuf Mollet et croustillant, poêlée de champignons des bois, copeaux de Paris
Soft-boiled and crispy egg, pan-fried wild mushrooms, button shavings
Le Panais
En velouté, royale de foie gras, croûtons dorés et fines herbes
Parsnip velouté, foie gras royale, golden croutons and fine herbs
La Saint Jacques
Marinée en ceviche « Thaï », fraîcheur de fenouil, oignons frits
Scallops marinated in « Thaï » ceviche, fresh fennel, fried onions
Poisson / Fish
Le Rouget
Filets poêlés, pommes de terre rôtie à ma façon, sauce homardine
Pan-fried red mullet filet, potatoes roasted my way, lobster sauce
Le Loup
Poché dans un fumet, fine raviole de coquillages, légumes d’hiver en beaux morceaux
Poached sea bass in stock, fine shellfish ravioli, beautiful pieces of winter vegetables
Le Cabillaud
En croûte d’herbes, endives confites caramélisées au safran
Cod in a herb crust, confit endives caramelized with saffron
Vegetarian dishes
Choux farci aux légumes d’automne, bouillon végétal, jeunes pousses
Cabbage stuffed with winter vegetables, vegetable broth, young salad leaves
Minestrone de légumes de saison, pistou à l’ail frais
Minestrone of seasonal vegetables, pesto with fresh garlic
Viande / Meat
La Volaille Fermière
Le suprême farci aux champignons, gnocchi liés au jus
Chicken suprême stuffed with mushrooms, gnocchi bound in the juice
Le Bœuf
Comme une Daube, polenta crémeuse au parmesan
Beef like a Daube, creamy polenta with parmesan
Douceur d’Automne
Ganache aux marrons, confit de cassis, meringue croquante et biscuit marrons
Chesnut ganache, blackcurrant confit, crunchy meringue and chesnut biscuit
Caramel’Oh !
Financier, mousse « Dulcey », caramel tendre aux cacahuètes, coque croquante
Financier, « Dulcey » mousse, soft peanut caramel, crunchy shell
Les Glaces, Palette de glaces artisanales
Trois parfums au choix : chocolat, vanille, pistache, noisette, café, citron, passion, myrtille,
Craft ice creams and sorbets
Poire Sublimée
Poire pochée au sirop d’érable, farce pécan, crème d’érable, crumble pécan
Poached pear in maple syrup, pecan stuffing, maple cream, pecan crumble