Upcoming events ...
Saturday 6th July 2024
35th Birthday apero Parc Les Issambres
Members and guest gathered in the Parc Les issambres for the last apéro before the summer break. The Parc is an ideal location for an apéro on a warm summer evening located overlooking the Mediterranean with shade provided by ancient trees. It was late when the last of us left for home having enjoyed good company, a glass (or more) of wine and fresh pizza from the local restaurant.
The next apéro will be on Saturday 14th September so mark it in your diaries.
14th September apéro evening
28th September Walk in Vidauban and lunch at Bouddha de Jade
12th October apéro evening
27th October Sunday Brunch - Château St Roux
9th November AGM at Terre de Provence, Le Cannet-des-Maures
7th December Christmas lunch
18th January Pub Quiz
15th February Chinese Buffet lunch
Events are subject to change depending on availability and member support.